How to Audit Your Google Analytics 4 Set Up

September 20, 2024

Inside Our Process: The Analytics Mates Google Analytics 4 Audit

Accurate and actionable data is the lifeblood of any growing business. At Analytics Mates, we specialize in ensuring that your data collection process through Google Analytics 4 (Google Analytics 4) is both functioning and optimized for success. One of the most valuable services we offer to our clients is the Google Analytics 4 Audit, which helps businesses understand whether their Google Analytics 4 setup is accurately tracking key metrics and delivering meaningful insights.

We conduct comprehensive Google Analytics 4 audits at the start of every new client engagement to align their tracking setup with specific business goals. For existing clients, we perform detailed quarterly audits to maintain the accuracy of all tracking and event data. Additionally, we recommend performing an audit whenever there are significant updates or changes to your website to ensure that your Google Analytics 4 configuration remains aligned with your evolving business needs.

In this post, we’ll take you behind the scenes of our Google Analytics 4 Audit process and explain why it’s an essential service for businesses seeking to maximize their data potential.

Why a Google Analytics 4 Audit is Important

Google Analytics 4 provides businesses with powerful analytics features to track and analyze user interactions. However, a poorly implemented or outdated Google Analytics 4 setup can lead to inaccurate data, missed insights, and ineffective marketing campaigns. At Analytics Mates, we’ve seen firsthand how a well-executed Google Analytics 4 strategy can significantly improve your overall business performance.

Our Google Analytics 4 Audit is designed to ensure that your tracking setup is accurate, complete, and aligned with your business goals. It also helps to identify and correct any gaps or misconfigurations that could be leading to inaccurate data or missed opportunities.

Step-by-Step Overview of Our Google Analytics 4 Audit

1. Initial Consultation and Goal Setting

Before diving into the technical details, we start by understanding your business objectives and what you need from your Google Analytics 4 setup. Whether it’s tracking e-commerce sales, monitoring lead generation, or analyzing specific user interactions, this step is crucial to tailoring the audit to your needs. We gather information about your key business metrics to ensure that the audit aligns with your goals.

2. Comprehensive Google Analytics 4 Setup Audit

Once we have a clear understanding of your goals, we perform a comprehensive audit of your current Google Analytics 4 setup, including:

  • Account and Property Settings: We verify that your account and property settings (such as reporting time zone and currency) are correct and aligned with your business.
  • Data Streams: We review your data streams (website and app) to ensure they are set up correctly and that essential events are being tracked accurately.

  • Event Tracking: Google Analytics 4’s event-based model allows for greater flexibility in tracking. We check that your events are defined correctly, that they align with your business objectives, and that event parameters are properly captured.
  • Conversions: We ensure that conversion tracking is set up correctly and that key user actions (like purchases or lead submissions) are being tracked accurately.

3. Error and Inconsistency Detection

During the audit, we check for potential issues, such as:

  • Broken or Duplicate Events: We identify events that aren’t firing correctly or are duplicated, leading to inaccurate data.
  • Misconfigured Filters: We review filters (such as internal traffic filters) to ensure they are working as expected and not skewing your data.

4. Debugging & Troubleshooting

Using Google Analytics 4’s debug mode and external debugging tools, we simulate real-time user interactions on your website to catch any issues. This process helps us ensure that all events are firing correctly, and we can troubleshoot any errors in real time.

5. Data Layer and Enhanced Measurement Settings

We review the data layer (if implemented) to ensure that the right data is being passed to Google Analytics 4. We also check the enhanced measurement settings to confirm that key interactions, such as scroll tracking, outbound link clicks, and file downloads, are being automatically captured.

6. Optimization Suggestions

In addition to identifying and fixing any issues, we also provide suggestions for optimizing your Google Analytics 4 setup. This may include setting up additional events, enhancing your e-commerce tracking, or refining your reporting to provide more actionable insights.

7. Reporting and Recommendations

Once the audit is complete, we provide a detailed report that outlines:

  • Summary of Findings: Including any broken events, misconfigurations, or missing data points.
  • Optimization Opportunities: Suggestions on how to improve your Google Analytics 4 setup to capture more meaningful data.
  • Action Plan: A step-by-step guide to implementing the necessary changes along with timelines for execution.

8. Ongoing Support

Your Google Analytics 4 setup is not a “set it and forget it” system. As your business evolves, so will your data needs. We offer ongoing support and periodic Google Analytics 4 audits to ensure that your tracking setup continues to align with your business goals and stays up to date with the latest analytics best practices.

The Benefits of a Google Analytics 4 Audit

A thorough Google Analytics 4 audit ensures that your analytics setup is optimized to deliver reliable, actionable data. With this process in place, you can expect:

  • Accurate Data Collection: No more guesswork. You’ll have confidence that your data is reliable and actionable.
  • Improved Marketing Performance: With better data comes better decision-making, allowing you to optimize your marketing efforts.
  • Greater Efficiency: An optimized Google Analytics 4 setup eliminates redundant tracking and ensures smooth, fast data collection.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that your data is being collected and reported accurately gives you the freedom to focus on growing your business.

Before we wrap up, we'd like to share our comprehensive Google Analytics 4  Audit checklist, a key resource our team uses to ensure precise and effective tracking. We believe this checklist will be invaluable in helping you optimize your own Google Analytics 4 setup.


At Analytics Mates, we understand the importance of accurate data tracking. Our Google Analytics 4 Audit is a comprehensive service designed to ensure your Google Analytics 4 setup works efficiently and without error. With our process, you’ll have confidence in your data, empowering you to make smarter, data-driven decisions.

Ready to take your data tracking to the next level? Reach out to us today to schedule your Google Analytics 4 audit!

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